[Ceilidhsoc] Time of AGM (correction)

Sheffield University Ceilidh Society ceilidh.soc at shef.ac.uk
Thu Mar 10 12:54:36 GMT 2005


Sorry for the multiple posts on this subject but I forgot to include the
time for the AGM (details below). The AGM will be held between 7.30 and
8.30 pm. There will no doubt be a group of us heading down to the music
session in the red house afterwards (to which all are welcome of

* AGM *
Do you want to get more involved in the running of ceilidhsoc? All roles
on the current committee will be up for grabs at the annual AGM which is
being held on Tuesday 15th March in the Octagon Council Chanmbers (marked
Octagon Centre on this map: http://www.ceilidhsoc.org/map.html) between
7.30 and 8.30pm. The AGMis open to all ceilidhsoc members and gives YOU a
real chance to get involved in running YOUR society (it also looks very
good on you're CV). Please speak to anyone on the committee if you're
interested and want to find out more about what is involved. The current
ceilidhsoc committee and their roles can be found here:


I believe there will be free wine and cake too!



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